Phones are improving so fast.

Yep, I keep my smartphones an entire 6 months before I break contract to get the newest technology . GoGo Dual-Core chip set and more RAM. This this is flying. If you want to know why I chose this over the EVO 3D, which would have been given to me for free, so I basically gave up a good $600 just to switch to the Sensation as it is a T-Mobile brand phone. I am very happy though as HSPA+ is much better 4G than Sprint’s WiMAX

As you can see, the phone is a looker, very slim, and extremely powerful. If you are using a dual-core PC with 512 RAM (I know some workplaces use those), the your machine has less power than this phone. Don’t get me started on whether you have a single core computer because if that is the case, you probably should stop wasting your time reading my blogs. Anyway, back to WiMAX and HSPA+. I chose HSPA+ because I currently live in Schaumburg, where I always have 4G coverage. In the city, that is not the case. I do not always have 4G coverage. It is opposite for Sprint’s WiMAX towers (which it rents from Clear), I actually had 4G  more in the city than in Schaumburg, IL. So, one must consider the location and coverage before choosing one of the many 3 main providers of cellular communications that we have. More on this phone later as it has a small flaw that is difficult to get rid of at the least. I am troubleshooting it as we speak.

Why I chose Sensation 4G over EVO 3D 4G

My friend just came over. I love the 3d on his EVO. It is truly amazing to see 3D without glasses. However, the reason I had to move to t-mobile is simple. 4g. Verizon and T-mobile have 4g that turns on automatically.

Meanwhile, if you research WiMAX, which is what Sprint is renting from clear, you will see the problem. Sprint, is a great company. Great customer service and good strategy, especially teaming up to make their wireless work for them through google voice.

Two things about my old EVO 4G, I used my battery very quickly as I could only call with Mobile on, at least 3g, as I opted for the unlimited data plan with 450 daytime minutes to land lines. Meanwhile, on the T-moblie droid, I can completely turn off mobile Internet and simply have calling and texting, talk about saving your battery.

Both phones are great and have their own to contribute, but both are still a bit buggy. What do you expect from a product that just came out. We are trouble shooting them though, and I am certain that the Android team is also.

If you move an application that has a separate license file to remove ads and/or give it more options, your display will get funny lines on all the gadgets which use the Internet. Until I or someone else figures this out, please try to keep your SD card for MEDIA ONLY atm. Thank you.

The Internet Made Simple

Recently, I have noticed that things which were previously available to developers of web sites, are now commonly given away as embeddable widgets which one may use on most sites. Tweeter takes these, as you can see, WordPress also does, as does Facebook. Surprisingly though, I have noticed that the social site with the most available widget options and the most granular control for them seems to be Linkedin. The site is displaying many widgets, some easier, some more difficult for the novice Cloud computing / Social media user.
This does show how far we have come as far as I.T. Web sites are willing to give away space for free and work on bettering themselves against their competition for a piece of your information. There is a lot of money to be made from statistics and marketing when it comes to one’s information. Clearly, Linkedin has noticed this and is taking advantage of as many cloud based widget enabled sites as possible.

The Importance of Cross Platform Optimization and Synchronization. Business owners, please read.

    Needless to say, as this is my ranting about technology blog, that is what I am about to do again. The focus has shifted towards synchronization because with synchronization comes the ease of low cost communication which is what will help maintain your company’s profitability during the technological era.

   Getting an outside consultant? That is honestly the smartest idea. An outside consultant who has no ties to your company will tell you like it is, and quantify the cost/loss to profit gain ratio for you when they assess the implementation of your communication infrastructure.

   The easiest thing is to let everyone know that they no longer need so many servers, as hyper-v and 64 bit has done away with this insane demand for hardware. Where should you be? well, read up on Office 365. Today, every company should be thinking of implementing Server 2008 R2 with Exchange 2010 for optimum company performance and profitability.

   While it is widely understood that most workers today who sit behind a cubical with a computer…… usually find a way to waste their time communicating with friends over trivial daily things, Server 2008 R2 will give you the granular control that you need over the client computers so that they may use some website and do research, while being unable to waste time on social sites. Exchange will help you control their phone use at work. Restricting an employee to bringing just one smartphone to work is the first step. The second step is to get them on the company exchange server to have control over their phone. With smartphone technology getting smarter by the day, (I think my EVO 4G and Galaxy tablet are already outdated, oh, and fabulous that I spent 700 on my radeon 5970 when the 6970 is about to come out). Point is, smartphones are becoming affordable for everyone. The Blackberry is no longer the “corporate executive’s” company phone. It may still be the most secure phone, considering that it goes through a BAS server that sits on top of the exchange server (best way I can define this for you). However, RIM is seriously slipping as far as their media is concerned while all other smartphones are really stepping up to the plate to be more security friendly for Enterprise use.

                                                                          …… be continued

Android Tablets Already Getting Mass Popularity. Not yet at the same level as iPhone (etc) as far as synchronization or ease of API goes, but getting there quickly.

   The best thing that Google did correctly which Apple shot themselves in the foot with –> Flash 10.1 . I will not take sides here with the Android and iPhone fanboys and fangirls, but seriously, Steve Jobs, you did not invent the INTERNET. It will not bend and reshape itself to mold itself around you.

   So many sites are not even close to HTML5 yet, that this has made Apple kind of a joke as far as web surfing on their non FULL computer systems goes. Pretty much you get the mobile version or you can get stuck pinching in and out of a site that does’t even have the video that you want to see, you just tells you “missing plug in” or “install plug in” in a nice and neat blue box.

   I’m going to jump off the subject here for a minute because I just watched a helicopter view of the Apple server farm (which is bigger than Google’s). Why? What for Steve? Satisfy thy e-peen? You have terrible cloud technology. The fact that all of your devices need to be plugged in somewhere at one point or another on almost a daily basis shows this. People do not want wires Steve, they want the cloud that they were promised. So why are you wasting resources on that farm? I refuse to believe it is for some secretive instant Apple cloud technology which you plan on turn “on” soon. That sort of information would have leaked out.

  Another thing, people like to be able to change their battery and upgrade their storage with an SD card. I realize this is a financial loss to your strategy of milking every iPhone user for every penny, but good god Steven, get with it. 2010 and you cannot replace the battery or upgrade storage in your iPhone? Why? So you can see us some emergency attachment product when our battery goes low? So a poor user coming from a cellular telephone that knows they can only learn a Smartphone as easy as the iPhone has to get the “upgraded” version with more memory?  I am sorry but I do not feel comfortable unless I have 2 batteries with me for my phone. I do not like the iPhone strategy, although I will admit, they have great products that work together flawlessly. They just need more cloud help before that farm goes to waste.

This is my old Workgroup and Virtual Domain, Proving that both can easily be done at home.

You can tell that it is old as it lacks another laptop, an EVO cell phone, as well as two Blackberries. They all have static addresses and reside on two workgroup networks simply for a nice flow on the wireless and wired mapping of the workgroups. I believe that I made this in Office Pro Plus Visio 2010 when they were all Beta. I wish I were wealthy. I just have to make due with Office Small Business but at least it is 2010 and 64 bit.

Oh course, 64 bit has its downsides. Such as the fact that I cannot sync my Blackberry to it unless I have the 32 bit version installed.

My Personal Recommendation on Smartphones and other Electronics

   … that you wait until we see the speeds (and prices) of the Verizon Wireless LTE network infrastructure. Depending on how difficult it is to manage is what will depend on the cost passed down to the consumer. I think the other companies are just waiting to learn from Verizon’s mistakes so that they can have a smaller expenditure on their 4G LTE networks, whenever those come out.

  If LTE on Verizon is as flawless and fast as they claim, then the new generation of smartphones that have dual core atom chips and mini GPUs are going to be able to do lots of 3D rendering as well as face to face interaction and live streaming. The quality of one’s live streaming video at this point is not bottlenecked by the megapixels during recording but rather the bandwidth of the transfer.

  Also, do not bother purchasing a laptop or netbook or anything of the sort right now. Tablet PCs are coming into play and Samsung (although not my favorite, I am an HTC guy) already has a 7” tablet out on the market. It will not be long before the Blackberry playbook is out, a new iPad, the Google pad, and who knows how many other tablet PC/PDA hybrids that have the power of a small PC will be out soon.

Get your point across with QR 2D codes.

    I am sure that you have seen many 2D codes recently, especially QR codes. It is because you can make as many as you like and they are easily readable by every smartphone. Heck, I know I have about 10 QR codes myself. Here is one that was made for my resume, it is a bit old though. The idea and the principle is always the same. The dots that you see in the matrix tell your phone the information that it needs. The three squares on the outside edges tell it how to align this particular QR code. These are being more and more widely used and can be found at web sites such as and .  They are free of charge to create and can be a real asset to advertising as well as time saving.


   If you scan the above barcode with your smartphone barcode scanner (which you should have loaded as a standard application), you will learn my name, number, address, web site, memo, and company. There are many different QR codes as far as information is stored, and it is finite and not too large. The mere fact that we can make these in mass for free and use our phones to scan and save time is the magic that I see in this.