Why I chose Sensation 4G over EVO 3D 4G

My friend just came over. I love the 3d on his EVO. It is truly amazing to see 3D without glasses. However, the reason I had to move to t-mobile is simple. 4g. Verizon and T-mobile have 4g that turns on automatically.

Meanwhile, if you research WiMAX, which is what Sprint is renting from clear, you will see the problem. Sprint, is a great company. Great customer service and good strategy, especially teaming up to make their wireless work for them through google voice.

Two things about my old EVO 4G, I used my battery very quickly as I could only call with Mobile on, at least 3g, as I opted for the unlimited data plan with 450 daytime minutes to land lines. Meanwhile, on the T-moblie droid, I can completely turn off mobile Internet and simply have calling and texting, talk about saving your battery.

Both phones are great and have their own to contribute, but both are still a bit buggy. What do you expect from a product that just came out. We are trouble shooting them though, and I am certain that the Android team is also.

If you move an application that has a separate license file to remove ads and/or give it more options, your display will get funny lines on all the gadgets which use the Internet. Until I or someone else figures this out, please try to keep your SD card for MEDIA ONLY atm. Thank you.

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