The Importance of Cross Platform Optimization and Synchronization. Business owners, please read.

    Needless to say, as this is my ranting about technology blog, that is what I am about to do again. The focus has shifted towards synchronization because with synchronization comes the ease of low cost communication which is what will help maintain your company’s profitability during the technological era.

   Getting an outside consultant? That is honestly the smartest idea. An outside consultant who has no ties to your company will tell you like it is, and quantify the cost/loss to profit gain ratio for you when they assess the implementation of your communication infrastructure.

   The easiest thing is to let everyone know that they no longer need so many servers, as hyper-v and 64 bit has done away with this insane demand for hardware. Where should you be? well, read up on Office 365. Today, every company should be thinking of implementing Server 2008 R2 with Exchange 2010 for optimum company performance and profitability.

   While it is widely understood that most workers today who sit behind a cubical with a computer…… usually find a way to waste their time communicating with friends over trivial daily things, Server 2008 R2 will give you the granular control that you need over the client computers so that they may use some website and do research, while being unable to waste time on social sites. Exchange will help you control their phone use at work. Restricting an employee to bringing just one smartphone to work is the first step. The second step is to get them on the company exchange server to have control over their phone. With smartphone technology getting smarter by the day, (I think my EVO 4G and Galaxy tablet are already outdated, oh, and fabulous that I spent 700 on my radeon 5970 when the 6970 is about to come out). Point is, smartphones are becoming affordable for everyone. The Blackberry is no longer the “corporate executive’s” company phone. It may still be the most secure phone, considering that it goes through a BAS server that sits on top of the exchange server (best way I can define this for you). However, RIM is seriously slipping as far as their media is concerned while all other smartphones are really stepping up to the plate to be more security friendly for Enterprise use.

                                                                          …… be continued

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