Android Tablets Already Getting Mass Popularity. Not yet at the same level as iPhone (etc) as far as synchronization or ease of API goes, but getting there quickly.

   The best thing that Google did correctly which Apple shot themselves in the foot with –> Flash 10.1 . I will not take sides here with the Android and iPhone fanboys and fangirls, but seriously, Steve Jobs, you did not invent the INTERNET. It will not bend and reshape itself to mold itself around you.

   So many sites are not even close to HTML5 yet, that this has made Apple kind of a joke as far as web surfing on their non FULL computer systems goes. Pretty much you get the mobile version or you can get stuck pinching in and out of a site that does’t even have the video that you want to see, you just tells you “missing plug in” or “install plug in” in a nice and neat blue box.

   I’m going to jump off the subject here for a minute because I just watched a helicopter view of the Apple server farm (which is bigger than Google’s). Why? What for Steve? Satisfy thy e-peen? You have terrible cloud technology. The fact that all of your devices need to be plugged in somewhere at one point or another on almost a daily basis shows this. People do not want wires Steve, they want the cloud that they were promised. So why are you wasting resources on that farm? I refuse to believe it is for some secretive instant Apple cloud technology which you plan on turn “on” soon. That sort of information would have leaked out.

  Another thing, people like to be able to change their battery and upgrade their storage with an SD card. I realize this is a financial loss to your strategy of milking every iPhone user for every penny, but good god Steven, get with it. 2010 and you cannot replace the battery or upgrade storage in your iPhone? Why? So you can see us some emergency attachment product when our battery goes low? So a poor user coming from a cellular telephone that knows they can only learn a Smartphone as easy as the iPhone has to get the “upgraded” version with more memory?  I am sorry but I do not feel comfortable unless I have 2 batteries with me for my phone. I do not like the iPhone strategy, although I will admit, they have great products that work together flawlessly. They just need more cloud help before that farm goes to waste.

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