My Personal Recommendation on Smartphones and other Electronics

   … that you wait until we see the speeds (and prices) of the Verizon Wireless LTE network infrastructure. Depending on how difficult it is to manage is what will depend on the cost passed down to the consumer. I think the other companies are just waiting to learn from Verizon’s mistakes so that they can have a smaller expenditure on their 4G LTE networks, whenever those come out.

  If LTE on Verizon is as flawless and fast as they claim, then the new generation of smartphones that have dual core atom chips and mini GPUs are going to be able to do lots of 3D rendering as well as face to face interaction and live streaming. The quality of one’s live streaming video at this point is not bottlenecked by the megapixels during recording but rather the bandwidth of the transfer.

  Also, do not bother purchasing a laptop or netbook or anything of the sort right now. Tablet PCs are coming into play and Samsung (although not my favorite, I am an HTC guy) already has a 7” tablet out on the market. It will not be long before the Blackberry playbook is out, a new iPad, the Google pad, and who knows how many other tablet PC/PDA hybrids that have the power of a small PC will be out soon.

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